
We know a lot about supplements and how they work. We update articles on a monthly basis, make sure you check back for the latest information that will help you gain more muscle, lose more weight, tone up and feel better.

Just because you are on a diet does not mean that you should forget your favourite foods or settle for bland recipes. In fact, healthy cooking opens up an avenue to trying out new recipes and exploring different foods. There are numerous tips and tricks...

For years, protein supplements have been the most popular dietary supplements among athletes, adults who are recreationally active...

AGMATINE SULFATE Decarboxylated arginine/(4-aminobutyl)guanidine or better known as agmatine, is a metabolite or a by-product of the popularly known amino acid, l-arginine (arginine). Basically, agmatine is arginine without the carboxylic acid. It functions as neuromodulator and neurotransmitter. A lot of people like to call it “Super Arginine”. Sometimes, agmatine come in the...

L-CARNITINE This generation is becoming more and more obsessed about staying fit and healthy. The influence of famous celebrities cannot be denied especially when it comes to having the ‘perfect’ body.  Consequently, weight-loss products (dietary supplements, juices, etc.) are so eager to create their own game...

TAURINE Monster, Redbull, and alike. These are energy drinks that are commonly associated with Taurine. With that being known, you may probably think that Taurine is an energy booster, or if not, it does have something to do with energy.  But have you heard about the...

HIGH INTENSITY INTERVAL TRAINING (HIIT) If you think you’re spending too long and too much in those gym treadmills and stationary bicycles, then you might be needing something else. The power of high intensity interval training should not be underestimated. In just a couple of minutes,...

LEUCINE What amino acid can you actually get from whey protein? Can you guess? Well, if you guessed leucine, then you are right. If there’s got to be an amino acid that you can get from whey protein, it will be leucine. WHAT IS LEUCINE? Leucine is the...